Seeing God in our First-Person Story

We love stories. I personally love books and the imagination and careful thought that goes into a well-crafted story.
Stories are told differently depending on who is telling the story. In first person, a story is told from the point of view of one character. We hear his or her thoughts only. In third person, a story is told by a narrator who is detached from the characters and gives a supposed objective view of the story, though we may hear the thoughts of a few characters. Depending on who is telling the story, our perspective dramatically shifts on what is happening, how it is perceived, and what we can trust as true.
If a book was written about each of our lives here on earth—a whole book dedicated to each person—the first-person narrative would of course be written by each person individually. The reader would see that person’s thoughts, feelings, fears, struggles, joys, etc. The reader would discover what consumes the person’s mind and drives the person’s actions. Thoughts of me, myself, and I? Worries for the work week? Fear of failing and disappointing others? Anticipation for fun plans with family and friends? Dreams of wealth and success? The reader would also see every interaction the person has with others through that person’s point of view.
I like to imagine that this book on each person’s life isn’t just told through the first person. Rather, there is also a narrator telling the whole story—the one that transcends our limited and biased perspective—in the third person narrative of the book. I imagine that narrator is God, who knows us more intimately than we know ourselves (and is certainly not detached like the narrators in our novels!). He also has a grand plan for the salvation and redemption of humanity and has a specific role for each of us in that plan. I imagine that in the book of each person’s life, God is narrating to show the purpose of our life and the role we play in His grand plan.
As much as we may want to, we can’t read the book of our life now…our story is not finished yet! We therefore do not see what tomorrow holds, the purpose of events happening in our lives right now, or what our role is in God’s plan.
Even though we can’t read our story now, I believe God gives us glimpses into His third person narrative of our story in our daily lives in real time. And he does so in the simplest, yet most incredible ways. When we share an encouraging word to another, witness to another, obey the Holy Spirit’s prompting and help or offer to pray for another, for instance, we are living out God’s plan and loving others. He is loving them through us. In these simple acts, we see God using us and the role we plan in His plan. Other times, though, we do not know the impact our simple acts of service and obedience have on others. Yet God does. I imagine in the book of our life, our omniscient God is narrating to put everything into place and explain how every little act we do to serve, help, and encourage fits into His plan of reaching unbelievers and caring for His flock of believers.
The beauty of God granting us glimpses into His third person narrative is that it changes our perspective. We live in a first-person world focused on thoughts self and the temporary things of this world. But in seeing glimpses of God’s work through us and through others, our eyes are opened to what God is doing in ours’ and others’ lives and our role in God’s plan. We see just a glimpse of the bigger picture of God’s plan and pause to think and act on matters of eternal significance.
Your story is being written this very moment. I am certain God is actively using you to reach others and that He is using others to encourage and comfort you. Your story is part of God’s bigger and grander redemption story. Where have you seen a glimpse of God’s third person narrative of your life in action? Take a moment to think on this and share such stories. This is your testimony, the book of your life being written right now that should be shared. Who knows? Sharing such stories—big and small—may be one way God is using you for purposes of His salvation and redemption plan.