Life Under the Sun

We redeem our life under the sun when we remember what’s above it. It’s barely summer, but already the sun is making itself known. I try to embrace the warmth, but the Minnesota in me wilts with each increasing degree. Underneath the oppressive heat, it’s easy to feel a sense of futility. Problems from past…

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Giving Thanks in All Things

Giving thanks in life’s small challenges prepares us to give thanks in hard circumstances. Insects creep me out. (They’re called “creepy crawlies” for a reason!) So to say I was unhappy when I found some ants making their way into my apartment would be an understatement. All things considered, the ants are nothing to complain…

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Fear of Heaven

We conquer a fear of heaven’s perceived disappointments through childlike wonder. What comes into your mind when you think of eternity in heaven? If you are a Christian, you probably feel hope or excitement. But have you ever had apprehensions about heaven? I confess that I have.  I know I’ll make it in: my salvation rests solely on Jesus and nothing else. Instead, I fear eternity. Eternity is so, well, endless…

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