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Welcome to Church
on Capitol Hill

We believe that the Bible is what it claims to be: the Word of God.

We take instruction from the Bible literally; we believe what it is actually saying, not that it is an allegory or a fable. We take instruction from the Bible in the areas of life and faith and go to it for the answers to life. In a day when opinion polls and media agendas steer our social conscience, we believe that we should first seek God’s opinion on any subject before forming our own.

We believe that the family unit should be strong and healthy.

The first institution God made on earth was the family. Programs in the church are geared to help build strong families. GraceWay provides fellowship, friendship, and support services through our social activities. We strive to be protective of our children.

We believe that the church should be the moral conscience of a community.

Since God created civil governments, we work hard to cooperate with and work together with our elected officials and civil servants.

We believe that it is our responsibility, as outlined in the Bible, to spread the Gospel to our area, nation, and world.

Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

We believe that Christians should talk, behave, live, and dress like a citizen of Heaven.

The basis for these standards is found in the Bible. We make no apology for our conservative beliefs in many areas, including music, social issues, dress, and behavior.

We believe that a church should be filled, not with spectators, but participants.

We believe a church should be described as a spiritual hospital where people come for spiritual healing, not a spiritual museum where the relics of “Pharisee-ism” are displayed. We have a first-class way of doing things. We are careful stewards of God’s money. We give an accurate accounting once a month of every check that is written: to whom, the amount, and the purpose of the check. We strive to be honest and respectable.

Our Pastor


The Brad & Deborah Wells Family

Pastor Brad was born in Los Angeles, but moved to Idaho at the age of eight. His parents, Dennis & Dee Wells, were called to serve as missionaries in Papua New Guinea in 1989.

Upon graduation from high school, Brad traveled to PNG with his parents, helping them in the first year of their ministry there. That was a turning point in Brad’s life. He too saw the need and felt the call. He returned to the States and graduated from the Treasure Valley Baptist Bible Institute with a Bachelor of Divinity in Theology. He married Deborah in 1995 and they arrived in Papua New Guinea in 1998.

After sixteen years of service in the foreign field, Brad & Deborah Wells received the call to establish the GraceWay Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. They have seven children.